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19 Station Road
Wellingborough, England, NN29 7EH
United Kingdom

+44 7802 957938

Consultancy services for the charity and not for profit sector.  Strategy Development, fundraising, governance, collaborations and partnerships.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Almond Tree Strategic Consulting is committed to doing our bit for local communities through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) . We donate at around 10% of our pre-tax profits to good causes, focusing on charities supporting vulnerable young people and international humanitarian causes.

Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

We are committed to doing our bit for communities through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We endeavour to minimise the environmental impact of our business, support our local community and donate funds to good causes, focusing on charities supporting young people, the arts, people with dementia and international humanitarian relief and development.

Philanthropy & communitY support

We aim donate at least 10% of our profits to charities and good causes. We support a range of local and national charities including those that help young people, the arts and people with dementia as well as international humanitarian relief and development.

Our Director, Julian undertakes a range of pro-bono and voluntary roles and is currently a governor of Crudwell Church of England Primary School.

We hold a gold level CSR accreditation, and won International CSR Excellence Awards in 2019 and 2023. Our Director, Julian Lomas is a CSR Accreditation Panel assessor.

We are a member of the Heritage Trust Network reflecting our portfolio of clients in the heritage sector and a member of Consultants for Good.

Protecting the environment

We take seriously our responsibility for environmental protection and sustainability beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance. We encourage our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same. We endeavour to:

  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.

  • Continually improve our environmental performance and reduce environmental impacts.

  • Take account of environmental factors in our business decisions.

  • More than offset any carbon emissions generated through our business activities that we are unable to avoid.

Our business environmental policy and practice encompasses:

  • Minimising resource consumption, reuse and recycling of waste materials and ethical purchasing.

  • Minimising energy and water consumption through energy efficiency measures and purchasing decisions.

  • Reducing the need to travel through use of technology, home working and favouring sustainable transport modes.

  • Eco-friendly maintenance and cleaning practices favouring local suppliers, where they are available.

  • More than offsetting any carbon emissions generated through our business activities that we are unable to avoid by providing funding to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects that have generated Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) of at least 10kg of Carbon Dioxide per month.

Although our purchasing of good and services is very limited, we endeavour to source from local and/or ethical businesses wherever possible.