Almond Tree Strategic Consulting provides a range of resources to help charities and social enterprises make a real difference for their beneficiaries. this includes our blog, occasional information pages and publications and self-assessment tools.
We hope you will find the resources on this page helpful.
keep up to date
To stay bang up to date with developments in the sector and our latest thinking on issues affecting charities and social enterprises follow our blog.
Self assessment tools
We offer a range of self assessment tools as follows.
A simple, at a glance organisational sustainability assessment to help Trustees and managers in small and medium-sized charities get a handle on their charity’s resilience and sustainability.
A Trustee skills audit to check if your Trustee Board has the skills and experience it needs.
A governance self assessment to check the effectiveness of your organisation’s governance, including application of the Charity Governance Code.
These online surveys take around 15 minutes to complete and we can prepare a report analysing your responses. Please contact us if you are interested to find out more.
what legal form should a charity take?
If you are thinking of setting up a new charity you'll need to make sure you choose the right legal form. Equally, you may be running a charity and exploring whether you should change its legal form (for example to an incorporated form of charity). To find out more about this important issue for all charities click here.
what legal form should a SOCIAL ENTERPRISE take?
If you are thinking of setting up a new social enterprise you'll need to make sure you choose the right legal form. To find out more about this important issue for all charities click here.
thinking of setting up a consortium?
Working with other charities and social enterprises is increasingly the norm in the third sector and while it can be very rewarding it also has its challenges and risks. A few years ago Julian, our Director, authored a beginners' guide to building consortia in the social enterprise sector which remains just as relevant today. Click here to find out more about the support we can provide you to set up collaborations with others.