Almond Tree Strategic Consulting helps charities and social enterprises develop and implement fundraising strategies and plan, including help with bid writing and tender preparation.
Perhaps the most pressing need for most charities is money, particularly with the severe reductions in public sector funding over the last decade or more. Where will your funding come from and how do you go about getting it? There is no such thing as easy money.
fundraising strategy
ATSC can help you develop your fundraising and income generation strategy and plans, exploring all the viable options and identifying which are most likely to work well for you. We can help develop detailed implementation plans and even help project manage their delivery.
bid writing
We offer a specialist bid writing service, with a proven track record of success. Whether you are seeking a few thousand pounds from small family trusts, bidding for a large grant from the Big Lottery or large charitable trusts and foundations or tendering for public sector contracts worth hundreds of thousands, even millions, we can help you.
Julian, our Director, is a member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, holding the Diploma in Fundraising Management, and has so far helped to raise almost £250m for charities and social enterprises. We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator.
If you'd like to find out more about how we can help your charity or social enterprise please get in touch.